When should you start thinking about contacting a prenuptial agreement lawyer?
Ideally, you should contact a prenuptial agreement attorney shortly after deciding to get married. This is due to the fact that these agreements need to be drafted and signed before marriage in order for them to take full effect. Prenuptial agreements provide protection for both parties in case of a divorce, so it's important not to delay in taking the necessary steps to secure a valid agreement.
A Los Angeles prenuptial agreement attorney can help you understand what needs to be included in your agreement, ensure that all of the necessary paperwork is taken care of, and make sure that both parties are following the laws set out by California regarding marriage agreements. They will also provide legal advice and make sure that the agreement is fair for both parties. By obtaining an experienced prenuptial agreement attorney, you can rest assured that your assets are protected in the event of a divorce. If you’re getting married soon or have already decided to tie the knot, now is the time to contact Land Legal Group, a family law firm in Los Angeles to discuss setting up a prenuptial agreement for you.
How long does it take to draft a prenuptial agreement?
The length of time it takes to draft a prenuptial agreement depends on the complexity and individual details included in the document. Generally, an experienced Los Angeles prenuptial agreement attorney can usually have an agreement drafted within four to six weeks. The time frame could be shorter or longer depending on the intricacies of the situation.